
成立年份 Year of Establishment : 1993

會員人數 Membership : 2500

The New Horizon Club of Hong Kong



香港新域會是一個為癌症病患者及其家屬而成立的自助組織,於1989 年由幾位乳癌康復者籌組而成,致力為癌症病患者及其家屬提供適切的服務。香港新域會並於1993年註冊成為非牟利的慈善團體。

The New Horizon Club of Hong Kong is a self help organization of cancer patients, which was founded in 1989 by a small group of breast cancer survivors and was registered as an independent charity society in 1993.


Aims and Objectives

- 促進癌症病患者及其家屬的自助互助精神

- 提供支援服務,協助病患者及家庭處理因病帶來的問題

- 提供公眾人士對癌症常識的認識和預防

- 教育癌症病患者培養健康的生活習慣及積極的生活態度

- 為癌症病患者爭取福利及合理權益

- to develop a self help and mutual help spirit among cancer patients and their family members

- to provide support for patients and families to handle problems caused by the illness

- to increase public awareness towards the knowledge of cancer treatment and prevention

- to educate our patients to develop a health living style

- to fight for a better right for patients in matter related to heath care and welfare


Service Target


Cancer patients and their families



- 關懷服務:義工探訪、送湯、家居支援服務、同路人分享、復發病人支援服務、外科手術咨詢服務、長者關懷服務、地區維繫服務

- 康復課程:保健運動班、情緒健康班、抗癌營養班、中藥常識班、心靈健康班

- 癌症教育講座

- 會員維繫服務:興趣班、分區活動、康樂活動、體育活動

- 病人權益教育

- Patients Concern: volunteers visit, soup delivery services, short term home help services, patients sharing, consultation services for relapsed patients, surgery consultation services, elderly services, regional support services

- Rehabilitative Class: exercise classes, emotional management classes, health diet classes, herbal medicine classes, spiritual management classes

- Educational Talks

- Members Cohesiveness: interest classes recreational programs, regional programs, sports activities

- Patients Advocacy

電話 Tel


2868 1565

傳真 Fax


2892 1955

電郵 Email


網址 Website


地址 Address


Unit 2-8, Wing C, G/F, Lung Cheong House, Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate, Kowloon
(CancerLink Support and Resource Centre)